Special Training Packages
In September 2023, we are launching package deals for booking the Sounds-Write Practitioners’ Training, meaning you can choose the best package to suit your School or Organisation's requirements.
Important Information
Where provided for comparison, all prices include GST.
Face-to-face courses may incur additional charges to cover travel expenses, depending on the trainer and location. Your trainer will inform you of all costs before confirming your booking. If you are a small school, please contact us directly to discuss your requirements.
Terms and Conditions
Please note, that when you choose to sign onto this package, you are agreeing to the below terms and conditions.
You acknowledge and agree that by signing up to the Schools/Organisation Package you commit to submitting five (5) members of your organisation’s staff to complete the Sounds-Write Practitioners training course ("Sounds-Write Training") over a two (2) year period and using best endeavours to ensure that each member of staff completes such Sounds-Write Training. The two (2) year period shall commence on the date that the first trainee attends the Sounds-Write Training (“Training Window”). In the event that five (5) members of staff do not undertake the Sounds-Write Training within the Training Window, you will be liable to Sounds-Write for the per head training fee payable for each member of staff not trained, calculated in accordance with Sounds-Write then-current prices.
Sounds-Write Practitioners’ Training: (Cost: $1089 pp incl GST)
Our flagship course provides you with the training you need to kickstart your Sounds-Write journey. We offer it online and in and Australia, we also run it face-to-face.
One HEAD TEACHERS Full Sounds-Write training package (worth $1089 pp incl GST)
1 Free place on the Sounds-Write Practitioners’ Training for headteacher. We believe it’s essential that the school leadership team understand the programme, so we offer free training for headteachers.
Free place on the Sounds-Write Revisited (worth $192.50 pp incl GST)
The Sounds-Write revisited course is an online refresher course for practitioners who have already trained in Sounds-Write, used the program for 12 months and and want an opportunity to review their training. Schools that sign up for the package will be able to have any of their Sounds-Write trained staff attend the free Revisited Course after one (1) year, regardless of when that was. Those training now and in the future will get an invitation to join the course a year after they train.
Free Leader's place on Sound-Write’s masterclass: Leading Phonics (worth $528 pp incl GST).
This course is aimed at practitioners trained in Sounds-Write who are leading phonics in their primary school. You will learn how best to maximise your influence and leadership in your setting. Find out more here.
1 Free place on Sounds-Write’s intervention masterclass: teaching phonics as an intervention (worth $192.50 pp incl GST). This course is for practitioners trained in Sounds-Write who are using the programme in intervention settings with students who have mild to moderate difficulty with developing literacy skills at the same rate as their peers. Find out more here.
Free: Lifetime access to the Sounds-Write Practitioners’ Portal
The Sounds-Write Practitioners’ Portal is the go-to place for classroom activities, interactive resources, word lists, videos and professional development. We’re providing free lifetime access to our portal when you train with us.
Free: For parents and carers: Help your child to read and write course.
We’ve developed a free online course to support their children at home. Access it for free here.